Sonic Stadium Message Board (SSMB)
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Sonic Stadium Message Board is a lively forum for Sonic fans to discuss games, share fan art, and engage with the Sonic community.

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Forum Highlight

  • Sonic Stadium Message Board is a lively forum for Sonic fans to discuss games, share fan art, and engage with the Sonic community.
The Sonic Stadium Message Board (SSMB) is one of the most popular forums dedicated to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. It serves as a vibrant community where fans of all ages come together to discuss everything related to the Sonic universe, from the latest game releases and news to fan theories and merchandise. With categories dedicated to Sonic fan art, custom levels, and character debates, the forum is an interactive space for creative expression.

The forum is split into several sections, including Sonic Chat, where fans talk about the latest developments and updates on the franchise, and Sonic Showcase, where users can share their fan-made creations like artwork, videos, and mods. This section also connects with the community's Gallery, where users post their fan works.

Beyond Sonic-specific content, the forum also features more general discussions, including gaming topics, movie discussions, and even sections where users can talk about broader pop culture or share personal stories. SSMB’s strong moderation team keeps the discussions friendly, making it a welcoming place for both new and long-time fans.

Overall, the forum provides a comprehensive space for Sonic fans, offering a mix of news, community projects, and discussions about the future of the Sonic franchise. Whether you're interested in the latest game mechanics or sharing fan theories, SSMB is a hub for all things Sonic.
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Sonic Stadium Message Board (SSMB) statistics

Dec 13, 2002

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