The Great War Forum
The Great War Forum is a community for discussing WWI history, military units, battlefields, and archival research related to the Great War.
This is a thread discussing another internet forum that's listed in the ForumDiscovery forum index.

Forum details

The Great War Forum is an online community for history enthusiasts and researchers focused on World War I (1914-1918). It provides a platform for discussions on various aspects of the war, including military units, battlefields, and the experiences of soldiers and civilians. Members can explore threads on war memorials, uniforms, and medals, and contribute to research on individual soldiers or units. The forum also supports historical analysis of the home front, medical services, and the role of women during the war, making it a comprehensive resource for WWI scholarship.

The Great War Forum includes sections for sharing documents, interpreting military records, and discussing the cultural impact of the war through books, films, and art. The community fosters collaboration among amateur and professional historians, encouraging members to connect, share resources, and participate in research projects. It is an ideal platform for those passionate about uncovering the history of World War I, providing a rich and interactive experience for all levels of interest.
Invision Community