Retro Game Boards
Retro Game Boards is a forum for retro gaming enthusiasts to discuss classic consoles, CRT setups, modding, and game collecting.
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Forum details

Retro Game Boards (RGB) is a forum for enthusiasts passionate about retro gaming, providing a space for discussions on classic consoles, arcade games, and vintage gaming setups. Members share their knowledge on maintaining and optimizing retro consoles, covering topics like RGB modding, scalers, and CRT displays for the best visual experience.

The forum also has sections for game recommendations, reviews, and threads dedicated to showcasing game collections. RGB encourages hands-on projects like console modifications and arcade cabinet builds, allowing users to share their DIY experiences and seek advice. For collectors and traders, the Buy/Sell/Trade section is available for exchanging rare games and hardware.

Beyond gaming, the community also supports a social discussion area for off-topic conversations, providing a well-rounded platform for retro gamers to connect and engage in broader interests. Whether you’re a seasoned retro gamer or new to the scene, Retro Game Boards is an essential resource for exploring, preserving, and celebrating classic gaming.